Visit Serenity at the DHI Management Summit

Wednesday, July 19th – Friday, July 21st, 2023
Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs, CO
About DHI Management Summit
The 2023 DHI Management Summit is the perfect opportunity to network, strategize, and collaborate with forward-thinking industry professionals. Designed for both executive and middle managers, this summit is a great opportunity for your team to grow and evolve together. Join like-minded distributors and forward-thinking suppliers for valuable management education and dedicated networking opportunities.
Tabletop Exhibit
Serenity will be exhibiting during the Summit’s dedicated tabletop times displayed at the link below. Stop by to say hi and speak with our experts!

Private Meeting Room
We’ll also have a private meeting room setup for discussions! Find us in the Comanche Room, or request a meeting below.
Facility Tour & Reception
Join us for a tour of our NEW expanded facility on Thursday evening from 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. Dinner and drinks will be provided, including a whole pig roast! Serenity will provide a shuttle from the resort to our facility and back. Click below to learn more and get registered!

Golf Tournament
Join us on the green Wednesday, July 19th for the DHI Golf Tournament! Serenity’s team will be on the course ready to put and chat with other industry leaders. This tournament will benefit the Door Security and Safety Foundation (DSSF).